瓦煲包菜猪脚 CABBAGE PORK LEG in claypot

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材料 :
调味料 :
珠江桥牌顶级蚝油 1汤匙、珠江桥牌高级酱青2汤匙
勾芡 :
粟粉 1汤匙(加入2汤匙水拌匀)

装饰 :
芫荽 适量

做法 :
1 将古龙牌香菇猪脚腿的汤汁,连同清水和药材放入瓦煲,用小火煮10分钟出味。(图1)
2 加入包菜煮10分钟至包菜软。(图2)
3 将汤汁过滤到另一个锅,放入调味料及古龙牌香菇猪脚腿煮沸,勾芡后淋在包菜上即可。(图3-5)

300g cabbage(wash and cut in pieces), 1 pc star anise, ½ stick cinnamon, 1 canned GULONG Brand
Pork Leg with Mushrooms, 150ml water
1 tbsp PEARL RIVER BRIDGE Top Grade Oyster Sauce, 2 tbsp PEARL RIVER BRIDGE High-grade
Light Soy Sauce
THICKENING : 1 tbsp corn flour + 2 tbsp water
GARNISHING : Some coriander
1 Strain the gravy of GULONG Brand Pork Leg with Mushrooms into clay pot together with
150ml water and the Chinese herbs, boil for 10 minutes in low heat until flavor infused.
2 Add in the cabbage and cook for 10 minutes until soften. (pic 2)
3 Strain the gravy into another wok, put in seasoning and GULONG Brand Pork Leg with
Mushrooms, bring to a boil. Thicken with starch and pour over the cabbage. Ready to serve. (pic 3-5)