樱春接福蛋糕 Cherry Blossom Cake

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    Step 1

    采用ELBA台式搅拌机将牛油及糖搅拌细滑,逐粒加入鸡蛋 拌匀. Using ELBA Stand Mixer, cream butter with sugar adding in eggs one at a time.

    Step 2

    加入过筛的粉料、牛奶和香精拌匀。再加入oreo饼干拌打 成糊料。 Fold in sifted flour with milk & vanilla essence. Add oreo cookies, mix well.

    Step 3

    将蛋糕糊料倒入2个8寸大的烤盘内,放入预热至180℃的 ELBA电烤箱内烤25-30分钟。 Pour the cake batter into two 8 inches lined round pans, bake in Pre-heated ELBA Electric Oven @ 180℃ for 25-30 minutes.

    Step 4

    ┃奶油霜做法┃ 1. 将糖粉筛入ELBA台式搅拌机盆内,加入牛油打匀。 2. 取部分糖霜分别加入褐色、粉红、青色和白色色素。| TO PREPARE ICING| 1. Sift the icing sugar into ELBA's Stand Mixer's Stainless Steel bowl, add the butter and just beat till mixed. 2. Tint some icing with pink, brown, green and white colouring.

    Step 5

    蛋糕冷却后,涂上粉红糖霜后盖上另一片蛋糕。整粒蛋糕 涂抹糖霜. Place the icing on top of cake base, top with another piece of cake, and cover the whole cake with icing

    Step 6

    Step 7

    用星嘴挤袋在蛋糕面上,挤上褐色糖霜做树干。 再挤出白色与粉红花朵、青色为叶子。 Once cake is cool, using a star tip nozzle,made the tree trunk with brown icing. (pic 10) Using a flower nozzle tint each part of the bag pink & white; then pipe flowers on top.
