覆盆子开心果奶油酥Raspberry and pistachio cream puffs

  • Prep Time
    80 Mins
  • Cook Time
    35 Mins
  • Type
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    Step 1

    制作开心果千层酥皮:料理机中加入面粉、糖、开心果和一些盐,搅打至顺滑。加一些无盐黄油,用你的手指将黄油和酥皮面团混合。 面团放在两张烘焙纸之间,并用擀面杖将面团擀薄并将其转移到冷冻柜冷冻大约30分钟。To make the pistachio crumble sheet, add flour, sugar, pistachios, and a pinch of salt to a food processor and mix until finely ground. Add butter and, with your fingertips, combine into a crumbly dough. Roll out the dough between two sheets of parchment paper until thin.Transfer to freezer and chill for approx. 30 min.

    Step 2

    制作泡芙酥皮:长柄锅中加入牛奶、无盐黄油、糖和一些盐,中火煮沸。锅中加入面粉并持续搅拌直到面糊变浓稠。 当长柄锅中的面糊表面形成面糊壳,就说明已经做好了,此时将锅离火,转移到带搅拌桨的厨师机碗中,慢慢搅拌大约3-4分钟,让混合物冷却。分次加入鸡蛋,一次加入一个,每次加入后都搅打至与面糊融合。To make the choux pastry, add milk, butter, sugar, and a pinch of salt to a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Add flour and stir constantly until you have a very thick batter. Once a thin floury coating forms on the base of the saucepan, it’s ready. Remove from heat, transfer to the bowl of a stand mixer, and mix slowly for approx. 3 – 4 min. to allow the mixture to cool down. Add eggs one at a time, beating between each addition, until well combined.

    Step 3

    烤箱预热至180°C,将泡芙面糊混合物装到带圆形裱花嘴的裱花袋中,在烘焙纸上挤出奶油,保证每个奶油面糊之间都留有合适的距离。Preheat oven to 180°C/355°F. Fill the choux pastry mixture into a piping bag fitted with a round tip and pipe cream puffs onto a lined baking sheet, making sure to leave enough space around each one.

    Step 4

    将开心果千层酥皮从冷冻柜中取出,用圆形饼模按压出圆形面皮。每个奶油酥面糊上都放一个圆形千层酥皮,放到预热好的烤箱中,以 180°C/烤大约30 - 35分钟或者直到面团变金黄色。Remove pistachio crumble sheet from the freezer and use a round cookie cutter to press out circles. Place one onto each of the cream puffs and transfer to the preheated oven. Bake at 180°C/355°F for approx. 30 - 35 min., until golden brown.

    Step 5

    制作覆盆子奶油内陷:覆盆子打成果泥,滤网过筛,保留果汁。碗中打发奶油,放一旁待用。白巧克力大致切小块,放在一个装有沸水的双层锅炉上,直到巧克力融化。巧克力完全融化后,离火,倒入覆盆子果泥果汁中并逐步搅拌。静置5分钟让它冷却,用橡胶刮刀将其与打发的奶油混合并装到裱花袋中并放入冰箱冷藏待用。To make the raspberry cream filling, purée raspberries, pass through a sieve, and reserve the liquid. In a bowl, whip the cream until stiff and set aside. Roughly chop white chocolate and set over a double boiler with simmering water to melt. When fully melted, remove from heat and gradually stir in raspberry purée liquid. Let cool down for approx. 5 min., then fold in whipped cream with a rubber spatula. Transfer cream into a piping bag and store in the fridge until assembling the cream puffs.

    Step 6

    给奶油酥填馅料:奶油酥切半,每两片奶油酥之间填充一些覆盆子奶油和新鲜的覆盆子,顶部饰以开心果、覆盆子和糖粉。尽情享用吧!To assemble, carefully halve the cream puffs and fill each pair with raspberry cream and fresh raspberries. Decorate with extra pistachios, raspberries, and confectioner’s sugar. Enjoy!
