清润竹笙汤 Clear Bamboo Pit Soup

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盐1 1/2小匙


6 pcs bamboo pit, 8 pcs mushroom, 25g Chinese barley, 100g fresh lotus seeds, 8 pcs seeded red dates, 30g dried Longan, 3 pcs fried mock chicken cubes, 1 tbsp Ji Zi, 10pcs peppercorn (smashed), 2 liter water

Seasoning: 1 ½ salt


1.竹笙浸软洗干净切小段,冬菇浸软去蒂洗干净待用。Soak bamboo pit until soften; wash and cut into blocks; soak mushroom and remove the stems.

2.先煮滚清水,先加入冬菇、白胡椒粒碎、香酥鸡、薏仁、竹笙、鲜莲子、桂圆一起先煮至滚后,改用小火再者1小时。Bring water to boil and then add in mushroom, peppercorn, mock chicken cubes, barley, bamboo pit and Longan, cook until boiled again, then turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour.

加入杞子和盐一起煲多5分钟即可慢慢趁热享用。Add in Ji Zi and salt; simmer for another 5 minutes, done.

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