德国啤酒香肠沙律 Beer-Simmered Bratwurst with German potato salad

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1. 热2汤匙橄榄油,以中火把月桂叶,蒜头及烟肉爆香。加入大葱,炒至透明。(图1)
2. 加入剩余材料炒均。加入调味料,持续炒7-8分钟至所有菜类软身即可熄火。(图2)
1. 把煮熟的马铃薯切瓣; 把烟肉以小火煎至脆身,盛出。(图3-5)
2. 锅里加入面粉,醋,糖及盐,煮至糖溶解。
3. 把马铃薯回锅,加入青葱粒和少许胡椒粉,炒约1分钟后盛出。(图6)
1. 把所有材料放入锅里以小火焖煮10分钟,然后熄火,让香肠在锅里继续焖多10分钟。(图7)
2. 把香肠取出。另外起锅热牛油,把香肠煎至金黄色至外皮转脆。
3. 把香肠排碟,配德国马铃薯沙律和温菜吃。

【Beer simmered Bratwurst】
900g ratwurst(pricked with a fork),3 large onions(thinly sliced), 2 cloves garlic(smashed), 1 bottle dark beer(such as Guinness stout), 250 – 450ml water, 1 tsp coriander seeds, 1 tsp fennel seeds, 1 tsp mustard seeds,
1 tsp coarsely pounded black pepper, 1-inch of fresh ginger (chopped)
【German Potato salad】
500g potatoes(with skin, boiled till tender), 4 rashers bacon,1 tbsp plain flour, 2 tbsps sugar, 50 ml balsamic vinegar,60 ml water, 2 Tbsps spring onions, salt & black pepper to taste
【Warm vegetables】
1 pc bay leaf, 2 cloves garlic(chopped), 50g bacon, (chopped), 2 big onions(sliced), 170g cabbage(sliced), 180 g shredded apple, 60 g celery(sliced thinly)
【Seasoning for warm vegetables】
1 tbsp yellow mustard, 2 tbsps apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp sugar or to taste, salt & pepper to taste
【To prepare warm vegetables】
1. In a large skillet heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil over medium-high heat. Add bay leaf, sauté garlic until fragrant with bacon. Add onions, sauté until transparent.(pic 1)
2. Add the rest of the ingredients and toss to combine. Add in seasoning and sauté for 7 to 8 minutes, tossing frequently until vegetables are just tender, turning off heat.(pic 2)
【To prepare German Potato Salad】
1. Cut cooked potatoes into wedges.In a pan, pan-fry the bacon slices over low heat turning over occasionally until bacon is crisp.(pic 3-5)
2. Douse the pan with plain flour, vinegar, sugar and salt; simmering until sugar dissolves.
3. Return cooked potatoes into pan, add the spring onions, some pepper and turn off the heat. Stir the potatoes 1 minute to form a starchy sauce and combine flavors. Remove and set aside.(pic 6)
【To prepare beer simmered bratwurst】
1. Place all ingredients B in a pot and bring to a simmer for about 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and let the bratwurst sit in the liquid for 10 minutes.(pic 7)
2. Remove the sausages with a pair of tongs onto a platter. Heat some oil / butter in a pan, pan-fry the bratwurst until golden and the casings are crisp and golden brown.
3. Serve the bratwurst with German potato salad & warm vegetables on the side.