丸子蔬菜煲 Stewed Beancurd Cake With Chinese Cabbage

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豆腐2 块、冬粉少许、冬菇2 朵(切丝)、西芹50 克(切丝)、红萝卜80 克(切丝)、津白250 克(切丝)、粟粉水勾芡1 碗、
清水1 碗
粟米粉2 汤匙、盐及糖适量
生抽½ 汤匙、素蚝油½ 汤匙、胡椒粉少许、盐½ 茶匙、糖½ 汤匙、麻油½ 茶匙
1. 将豆腐压成泥状备用。(图1)
2. 把冬粉以热油炸香后压碎,与豆腐拌匀,放置一旁备用。(图2-3)
3. 将豆腐冬粉料与香菇和腌料拌匀,揉搓成两个大丸子,放入热油里以小火炸至金黄色,捞起沥干油备用。(图4-5)
4. 在炒锅内热1汤匙油,爆香蚝油,放入津白、红萝卜及西芹炒匀。加入调味料及清水煮至滚。(图6)
5. 把所有材料和汤汁倒入锅内煮2分钟至入味,加入粟粉水勾芡即可。

2 tofu, some glass noodle, 2 fresh mushroom (shredded), 50g celery (shredded), 80g carrot (shredded), 250g chinese cabbage
(shredded), 1 bowl water, some starch for thickening.
2 tbsp corn flour, dash of salt and sugar
½ tbsp soy sauce, ½ tbsp vegetarian oyster, ½ tsp salt, ½ tbsp sugar, ½ tsp sesame oil
1. Mash tofu and set aside.(pic 1)
2. Deep fry glass noodle till crispy, drain. Crush it and combine with mashed tofu.(pic 2-3)
3. Add in marinade ingredients and mushroom, form it into 2 tofu cake, deep fry with hot oil till golden brown, drain.(4-5)
4. Heat 1 tbsp oil in wok, saute vegetarian oyster sauce, shredded cabbages, carrots and celery. Add in seasoning
and water, bring to boil. (pic 6)
5. Remove all the ingredients to a claypot, cook for another 2 minutes, thicken with corn starch.