亲子井披萨 Chicken & Egg Donburi Pizza

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无漂白高筋面粉 250 克、酵母粉 ½ 茶匙、黄糖 2 茶匙、海盐 ½ 茶匙、纯净水 160 毫升、
橄榄油 2 汤匙
蒸熟鸡胸肉 300克(剥成鸡丝)、洋葱(切丝)1 颗、菜鸡蛋 2 颗、日式酱油 2 汤匙、味醂 2 汤匙
黄糖 1 茶匙、椰油 1 汤匙
mozzarella芝士碎 150克、葱花 适量

1 冷锅下椰油将洋葱丝炒软,接着放入鸡肉丝炒至八分熟,然后下日式酱油、味醂和黄糖拌匀。
2 将鸡蛋打散后,加入鸡丝混合料中至蛋液呈半熟、收汁后即可熄火上锅,备用。
3 将面包机里的搅拌棒安装好,将所有材料A倒入桶内,然后启动面包机,进行揉面和发酵90分钟。
4 取出面团,桌上洒点面粉,排气后将面团均分为2份,擀成8-10″大圆形,并用叉子在面皮上戳满小孔,备用。
5 将做法2的材料铺上做法4的面皮上,撒上芝士碎,放入烤箱,180度烤约25-30分钟即可取出,切片享用。

A 250g Unbleached high protein flour, ½ tsp instant yeast powder, 2 tsp palm sugar, ½ tsp sea salt, 160ml purified water, 2 tbsp olive oil
B 300g steam chicken breast (shredded), 1 onion (juliennes), 2 free range eggs, 2 tbsp Japanese soy sauce, 2 tbsp Mirin, 1 tsp palm sugar, 1 tbsp coconut oil
C 150g grated mozzarella cheese, some chopped spring onion
1 Heat coconut oil in wok and saute onion until softens; toss in chicken meat and add in Japanese soy sauce, Mirin and palm sugar; stir to mix.
2 Add in beaten egg and cook until semi done, off heat and set aside.
3 Place all ingredients A in the inner pot of bread maker, start kneading and rising process for 90 minutes.
4 Remove dough, sprinkle extra flour on working top; punch the dough and then separate into 2 portions, pin roll into 8 X 10 round shape and pinch hole on its surface with fork.
5 Spread stir-fried ingredients on top of dough, sprinkle grated cheese over and bake in oven at 180°C for 25-30 minutes. Remove from oven, cut into slices to serve.