剁椒番薯叶 Stir-fried Spicy Sweet Potato Leaves

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材料 :
调味料 :
方法 :
1. 将番薯叶去茎,叶和茎分开。茎切成2-3cm长短备用。
2. 锅内热油,爆香蒜茸和辣椒茸至香。
3. 放入番薯茎大火翻炒片刻,加入番薯叶拌炒至软。
4. 加入清水和调味料,再次炒均匀即可。

200g sweet potato leaves, 1 tbsp chopped chilli, 3 tsp chopped garlic
Dash of salt and sugar, ¼ cup water
1. Trim the stem ends of the sweet potato leaves, then cut to separate the sweet potato leaves and the stems. Slice the stems to about 2-3cm lengths and set aside.
2. Heat oil in pan, fry the chilli and garlic till fragrant.
3. Increase to high heat, add the stems and stir fry for a while, add leaves, stir till soft.
4. Add in water and seasoning. have a quick fry, done.