南瓜栗子排骨汤Pumpkin & Chestnut Soup

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猪排骨300克(砍小块)、南瓜300克(去皮去籽,切块)、蕃茄 2颗(切块)、粟米1条(切段)、干栗子100克、黑枣2粒、有机昆布 1片、纯净水 1000毫升

1.干栗子预先洗净,放入雪柜,浸泡过夜。 (图1)
2.猪排骨洗净后,用滚水川烫,捞起后再用纯净水冲洗一遍,备用。 (图2)
4.取一锅子,倒入纯净水,然后放进所有的材料。 (图3)
5.大火煮至滚后,转小火煮1个半小时即可享用。 (图4)

300g ribs, 300g pumpkin (skinned & seeded, cut into pieces), 2 tomato (cut into pieces), 1 corn (cut blocks), 100g dried chestnut, 2 black dates, 1 pc kelp, 1000ml water

1.Clean dried chestnut, soak and keep in fridge for overnight. (pic 1)
2.Wash ribs and blanch in boiling water; and then wash again. (pic 2)
3.Clean kelp with cloth.
4.Pour water and all ingredients into pot. (pic 3)
5.Bring to quick boil and then simmer n low heat for 30 minutes, done. (pic 4)