咖啡瑞士卷 Coffee Roll with coffee cream

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A蛋黄5粒、细糖50克、盐1/4茶匙、栗米油50毫升、牛奶50毫升、普通面粉110克(筛过) 、发粉1/2茶匙、咖啡香精1汤匙





牛油125克(室温)、白油125克、糖粉70克(筛过) 、咖啡香精/膏1汤匙



  1. 把糖粉和所有其他材料混合,以电动研磨器搅拌至发起。


  1. 把防油纸铺在蛋糕盘上,把烤炉预热至180*C.
  2. 把材料A混合。
  3. 盐电动研磨器把蛋白搅拌至发泡,然后加入糖和塔塔酱,继续搅拌至发起。
  4. 把蛋白材料小心加入材料A中。
  5. 把巧克力粒平均撒在烤盘周围。
  6. 把面糊倒入。
  7. 放入烤炉烤15-18分钟,至插入竹签不沾为好。
  8. 把蛋糕取出,待冷却5分钟才卷。
  9. 把温蛋糕放在干净的防油纸上,然后卷起,让它冷却。
  10. 把蛋糕卷摊开,涂上咖啡酱再撒上糖粉后再卷起。
  11. 蛋卷外再涂额外的咖啡酱,即可享用。

Ingredients A:

5 “Grade A” egg yolks

50 g castor sugar

¼ tsp salt

50 ml corn oil

50 ml milk

110 g plain flour

½ tsp baking powder

1 Tbsp coffee essence

Ingredients B:

5 “Grade A” egg whites

50 g sugar

¼ tsp cream of tartar

80 g choc chips

Coffee cream

125 g butter, at room temperature

125 g shortening

70 g icing sugar, sifted

1 Tbsp coffee essence/paste

Swiss roll pan 14”*10”

Baking paper 2 pcs [ 18 “* 10” ]


To make coffee cream:

  1. Sift icing sugar into a mixing bowl fitted with a balloon whisk, add in butter, shortening, coffee essence & cream until light & fluffy. Set aside.

To prepare cake:

  1. Line a swiss roll pan with baking paper & grease, set aside. Pre-heat oven to 180*C.
  2. Mix Ingredients A in a bowl, set aside.
  3. Using an electric beater fitted with a balloon whisk, whisk egg whites until they form soft peaks, add in sugar & cream of tartar, continue beating until whites are stiff.
  4. Mix whites into flour mixture A folding in softly to avoid over-mixing & loosing the air.
  5. Sprinkle the chocolate chips onto the lined tray spreading evenly.
  6. Pour cake batter over & smooth it.
  7. Bake in pre-heated oven for 15 – 18 minutes or until skewer inserted into cake comes out clean.
  8. Remove cake from oven, leave to cool for 5 minutes before rolling up.
  9. Flip over warm cake onto a clean baking paper or kitchen towel, remove the greased paper & roll up the cake, leave to cool.
  10. Once cake cools, unroll cake, & spread coffee cream and sprinkle some icing inside & roll up.
  11. Spread more cream outside the cake & serve immediately.