大蘑菇汉堡包 Portobello Mushroom Burger

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1. 用不粘锅热2汤匙牛油,把大葱炒至糖焦状,盛出待用。
2. 用少许牛油煎大蘑菇至软,中途加入5-6汤匙清水,煮至干水,熄火。(图1)
3. 将汉堡面包切开,涂上牛油,放入生菜、番茄片及芝士片,再放上大蘑菇及焦糖洋葱,最后淋上

【Ingredients】for 6 portions
6 Portobello mushroom, 2 big onions (cut rings)
6 burger buns, basil pesto sauce [refer to page 20 for recipe], salad leaf, tomato slices, cheese
slices, yellow mustard
1. Heat 2 tablespoons butter in a non-stick pan, sauté the onions rings until caramelized. Set
2. Pan fry the Portobello in some butter, adding 5-6 tablespoons water and cook until mushroom
absorbs the water dry. Remove from pan.(pic 1)
3. Slit and butter the burger buns, lay lettuce, tomatoes and cheese slice on bun, stack 1 piece
of cooked Portobello, some caramelised onions on top, squeeze some mustard and basil pesto
over. Cover with another half of bun and serve immediately.(pic 2-8)