烟熏火腿鲜果莎莎 Smoked Ham with Fruits Salsa

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A:香橙1粒(取出果肉)、蓝莓50克、石榴1⁄2 粒 (取果肉)、薄荷 叶 少许(切碎)
1. 把材料A搅拌均匀备用。(图1-2)
2. 法国面包一分为二擦上少许牛油烤至金黄色备用。(图3)
3. 用平底锅煎热烟熏火腿备用。(图4)
4. 把煎热的烟熏火腿放在法国面包上面,再铺上材料A即可。(图5-6)
5. 摆盘配上少许沙拉叶享用。

A:1 orange (obtain flesh), 50g blueberry, 1⁄2 pomegranate (deseed), some mint (chopped)
B:1 slice french baguette, 4 slices smoked ham, some green salad
1. Mixes ingredients A and set aside.(pic 1-2)
2. Spread butter on baguette and toast until golden brown.(pic 3)
3. Sear smoked ham in pan until hot.(pic 4)
4. Place smoked ham on top of baguette and top with mixtures of ingredients A.(pic 5-6)
5. Serve with green salad.