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巧克力50克、烤香杂锦坚果仁(核桃、榛果、杏仁果)各50克、穆玆利200克、芫荽粉1茶匙、蜜糖1 汤匙、糖粉适量 (装饰用)

1. 将巧克力隔水加热融化,加入穆玆利及蜜糖拌匀。(图1-2)
2. 将杂果仁和芫荽粉拌匀。(图3-4)
3. 把杂果仁加入巧克力混合物中拌匀。(图5)
4. 将保鲜膜铺在桌面,倒入坚果混合物,用汤匙微微按平。
5. 再盖上一层保鲜膜,覆盖坚果蛋糕的表面;用手掌轻轻挤压使表面平滑。(图6)
6. 放入冰箱的冷冻库约10分钟或至凝固。
7. 将坚果蛋糕取出,切成条状(或其他形状)。洒上糖粉即可。(图7-8)


50g chocolate, 50g each of chopped hazelnut, al-mond and walnut(all toasted), 200g muesli(toasted), 1 tsp coriander powder, 1 tbsp honey
Some icing sugar (for garnishing)

1. Using a double boiler for melting chocolate, mix in the muesli and honey.(pic 1-2)
2. Combine all nuts with coriander powder in a bowl.(pic 3-4)
3. Pour into the melted chocolate and honey mixture, stir to mix.(pic 5)
4. Place a piece of cling film on table top, the length should be double in-order to cover Panforte.
5. Pour Panforte mixture on the cling film and press lightly with spoon.
6. Pull cling from the side to cover the Panforte and flatten with palm.(pic 6)
7. Keep in fridge for at least 10 minutes to set.
8. Remove Panforte from fridge, cut into strip or other shape you wish, sprinkle icing sugar on top.(pic 7-8)

Tips: may soak the muesli in rum before mixing with other ingredients.