意式蔬菜腰果汤 Minestrone Stew with Nuts

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鸡粉、巴西豆和腰果各100克(洗净浸泡1小时)、番茄膏100克、盐和胡椒粉适量、莞荽 1⁄3杯
1. 将鸡肉切条备用。(图1)
2. 起锅热牛油,把月桂叶、蒜茸及洋葱炒至黄后加入鸡肉,炒至肉转色。(图2)
3. 加入番茄、红萝卜及西芹翻炒均匀。(图3-4)
4. 加入清水、鸡粉、巴西豆和腰果,加盖煮至滚,然后转小火焖煮30分钟或至豆软身,间中搅拌。(图5-7)
5. 以番茄膏、盐和胡椒粉调味,然后装入碗里,撒上莞荽即可享用。(图8)

2 tbsps butter, 2 garlic cloves(crushed), 1 bay leaf, 1 big onions(cubed), 60g chicken, 2 carrots(cubed), 2 celery sticks(chopped), 500g fresh tomatoes(chopped),1000ml water + 1 tsp chicken stock granules,100g brazil nuts
(rinsed & soaked for 1 hour),100g cashewnuts(rinsed & soaked for 1 hour), 100g tomato puree, salt & freshly ground black pepper, 1⁄3 cup coriander leaves
1. Cut chicken into strips, set aside. (pic 1)
2. Heat the butter adding the bay leaf, saute the garlic and onions until light browned before adding the chicken meat and cook further for few minutes. (pic 2)
3. Add carrots, celery, tomatoes and stir to combine. (pic 3-4)
4. Add the water and stock granules, nuts; cover and bring to the boil. And then simmer in medium-low heat for 30 minutes or until the nuts are tender, stirring occasionally. (pic 5-7)
5. Season with tomato puree, salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with coriander leaves when serve. (pic 8)