榄菜豆豉蒸鲩鱼尾 Steamed Fish with Chinese Pickled Olive

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1. 把鲩鱼尾去鳞片洗净;再把鱼身横切数刀备用。(图1)
2. 取蒸盘把葱段垫底,摆上鱼片。
3. 把榄菜,蒜茸,姜茸,红辣椒茸和豆豉一一的铺在鱼身上。(图2)
4. 把一小半碗的上汤用小火煮滚;调入全部调味料,淋在鱼身上。(图3)
5. 上蒸笼用大火把鱼蒸10分钟取出,撒上葱花上桌。(图4-5)

2 tbsp Chinese pickled olive, 500g Grass Carp tail (Wan Yu), 1⁄2 tbsp each of chopped ginger & garlic, 1
red chilli(chopped), some spring onion blocks
1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp fermented soy bean, 1⁄2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine, 1⁄2 tsp
sesame oil
some chopped spring onion
1. Scale and clean fish tail, slide a few slits on both side.(pic 1)
2. Place spring onion blocks in plate and top with fish.
3. Spread all other ingredients on top of fish.(pic 2)
4. Boil half of small bowl stock with seasoning and pour over the fish.(pic 3)
5. Steam the fish in high heat for 10 minutes, sprinkle chopped spring onion on top before serving.(pic4-5)