沙丁鱼卷 Sardine Rolls

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A: 沙丁鱼罐头1罐
B: 洋葱1粒(切丁)、红辣椒1 – 2 条(切丁)、美乃滋2汤匙、酸柑3 – 5粒(挤汁)、糖1茶匙、黑胡椒粉½茶匙、酱青1茶
匙、Innolac益生良菌 2包
1. 馅料做法:将骨头清理好的沙丁鱼放入碗内,加入B料捞匀备用。
2. 面团做法:将植物油、白油及盐放入电动搅拌机内搅拌均匀后加入面粉及清水拌匀,拌打成软面团,放置一旁盖面休息20分钟。
3. 组合:将面团杆成0.5公分厚,割成4×2寸长方形。
4. 每片面皮舀入一大汤匙馅料,开口涂上蛋液后卷起。
5. 将沙丁鱼卷放在涂油的烤盘上,用蛋液刷面后放入预热至180℃的烤炉内25-30分钟。趁热享用。

A: 1 canned sardine
B: 1 big onion(cubed), 1-2 stalks red chillies(cubed), 2 tbsp
mayonaise, 3-5 kasturi limes (juice), 1 tsp sugar, ½ tsp ground
black pepper, 1 tsp light soya sauce, 2 sachets Innolac Probiotics
200g margarine, 50g shortening, ½ tsp salt, 500g plain flour, 100 ml-
125ml water, 1 whole egg (for egg wash)
1. To prepare filling:Place the deboned sardines and ingredients B
in a large bowl, mix to combine.
2. To prepare dough: In an electric beater, beat the margarine, shortening, salt together before adding the flour and water to
form soft dough. Rest dough covered with a tea towel for 20 minutes.
3. To assemble: Roll dough out to about 0.5cm thick, cut into rectangles of 4inches by 2inches.
4. Place a heaped tbsp of filling on each pastry sheet, brush edges with beaten egg & roll up.
5. Place onto greased tray & brush the surface with egg wash, bake in preheated oven @180℃ for 25-30minutes. Serve warm.