珍珠泡芙 Pearl Puff

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材料 :
内馅 :
做法 :
1. 水、盐、牛油放入锅里用中火加热并搅拌,使油脂均匀。(图1-2)
2. 牛油完全融化,加热沸腾,一次性倒入面粉。(图3)
3. 快速搅拌均匀,面粉和水混合均匀。
4. 倒入鸡蛋混合均匀,面糊变细滑。(图4-5)
5. 面糊装入挤花袋,将面糊挤到烤盘。(图6)
6. 将烤盘放入预热至180°C的烤箱,以上下火烤20分钟。
7. 取出烤好的泡芙,冷却后填入内馅即可。

150g water, 2g salt, 3 eggs, 80g butter, 120g plain flour
Filling :
200g fresh cream, some pearl balls
1. Put water and butter into pot, cook with medium heat until well mixed. (Pic 1-2)
2. Once the butter boiled, add in all flour. (Pic 3)
3. Stir swiftly until flour and water are well mixed.
4. Pour in egg and stir until smooth. (Pic 4-5)
5. Pour batter into piping bag and squeeze onto baking tray. (Pic 6)
6. Place the tray into preheat at 180°C oven, bake with top and bottom heating for 20 minutes.
7. Remove the puff and let cool before stuff in the filling.