沙白蒸胜瓜 Steamed Clams with Loofah

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1. 将沙白放入盐水中浸泡,使其吐沙备用。
2. 胜瓜去皮及籽,切粗条排盘。(图1-4)
3. 将沙白铺在胜瓜上,并洒入姜丝及枸杞。(图5-6)
4. 把调味料淋入以大火蒸8分钟至熟。(图7-8)
5. 取出再灒入适量绍兴酒增加香味。

650g Loofah, 300g clams, 1 tbsp GouQi, 1 tbsp. juliennes ginger
2 tsp concentrated chicken stock, 1 tsp fish sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil, 2 tbsp Hua Diao wine, 2 tbsp garlic oil
1. Soak clams in salted water to remove the sands.
2. Peel loofah and seeded, cut into rough strips and then arrange on plate.(pic 1-4)
3. Place clams on top of loofah, sprinkle ginger and GouQi on top.(pic 5-6)
4. Pour in seasoning mixtures and steam in high heat for 8 minutes.(pic 7-8)
5. Drizzle in extra wine before serving.