油渣鱼香茄子 Stir-fried Eggplant with Pork Lard

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材料 :
调味料 :
做法 :
1. 茄子切小块,放入温油中过油,备用。(图1-2)
2. 镬中加入猪油煎香咸鱼盛起,放入菜莆粒和辣椒炒香,盛起备用。(图3-4)
3. 放入肉碎炒散至转色,把茄子和菜莆料回锅,并放入调味料及猪油渣一起拌炒均匀,撒入青葱拌一拌即可上碟。(图5-6)

2 eggplants (cut cubes), 60g pickled radish (diced), 30g minced meat. 30g salted fish 9diced), 2-3 green & red chili padi (chopped), 30g crispy pork lard, 2 tbsp pork oil, some chopped spring onion
1 tsp chicken powder, 1 tbsp spicy soy bean paste, ½ tbsp oyster sauce, ½ tsp sugar, 1 tsp sesame oil
1. Cut eggplant in small picese, blanch eggplant
in warm oil and drain. (pic 1-2)
2. Heat pork oil in wok, sauté salted fish until aromatic; and then toss in pickled radish and chili; stir-fry until fragrant, dish out. (pic 3-4)
3. Use the same wok to stir-fry minced meat until cooked; and then return eggplant and pickled radish mixture to wok, also add in seasoning and crispy pork lard; stir-fry until well mixed, sprinkle spring onion on top and dish out. (pic 5-6)