潮州咸酸菜马友鱼 Braised Ma Yau Fish with Sour Vegetable

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1. 咸菜和酸菜洗净切细,泡烧水20分钟以减低咸味,沥干。(图1)
2. 马友鱼去鳞洗净后,在鱼身横切数刀备用。(图4)
3. 起油锅,把鱼炸至金黄色捞起沥干油备用。(图5)
4. 锅里留适量油,小火爆香蒜茸和姜,加入咸菜和酸菜下锅快速爆炒。
5. 倒进盖过材料的清水和调味料以大火焖煮15分钟后勾薄芡。
6. 把煮好的咸酸菜酱汁盛起淋在炸好的鱼上,撒上芹菜梗和辣椒丝即可享用。(图6)

40g sour vegetable, 40g salted mustard greens, 500g Ma Yau fish (threadfin fish), 1 tsp chopped garlic, 3
slices ginger, 1 red chili (chopped)
1⁄2 tsp sugar, 1⁄2 tsp soy sauce, 1⁄2 tsp fish sauce
1. Cut sour vegetable and salted mustard greens thinly and then soak in hot water for 20 minutes to
reduce saltiness.(pic 1-2)
2. Clean and scale the fish, cut a few slits on both side.(pic 4)
3. Heat oil in wok, deep fry the fish until golden brown, drain.(pic 5)
4. Keep some oil in wok, sauté garlic and ginger until fragrant, toss in sour vegetable and salted mustard
5. Pour in adequate water and boil in high heat for 15 minutes, season to taste and thicken with starch.
6. Pour the sauce over the fried fish and sprinkle some chinese celery stem and red chili to serve. (pic 6)