火锅饺子Steamed Boat Dumpling

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1. 把馅料与调味料充份混合均匀,备用。(图1)
2. 把汤料煮滚后,放入枧菜煮熟,备用。(图2-3)
3. 把每片饺子皮包入适量馅料,边沿抹上少许水,对摺
4. 煮滚½锅水放入饺子煮至滚,再加入1杯冷水,继续大

【Dough Ingredients】
1 portion cold dumpling dough(pls refer to crispy dumpling
for method), 200g amaranth greens (washed)
20g minced chicken meat, 100g minced pork belly, 100g
shrimp (shelled), 2 soaked mushroom (minced), 2 tbsp
chopped coriander
【Soup ingredients】
2 bowls stock, 1 tsp chicken powder, dash of pepper, ½ tsp
salt, 1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp soy sauce, ½ tsp salt, 1 tsp sesame oil, 2 tsp corn
flour, dash of pepper
1. Mixes filling ingredients with seasoning and set aside.
(pic 1)
2. Bring soup ingredients to boil and then put in amaranth
greens and boil until cooked.(pic 2-3)
3. Wrap each wrapper with some filling, moist the edge with
some water, fold into half-moon shape and fold both end
into yuanbao shape. (pic 4-6)
4. Boil half pot of water and scud the dumplings until boiling,
pour in 1 cup water bring to boil again in high heat until
all dumplings afloat; drain and serve with soup.(pic 7-8)