玫瑰棉花糖 Rose Marshmallow

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1. 将鱼胶粉放入冷水和玫瑰水中搅拌至溶解,收入冰箱凝结成明胶待用。(图1)
2. 把材料B煮至126°C,放入明胶块煮溶。(图2-3)
3. 另外把材料C以电动搅拌器搅拌至均匀。
4. 拌入明胶混合料,搅拌至冷却,最后加入材料D拌匀。(图4-6)
5. 在烤盘铺油纸,撒入粟粉。(图7)
6. 把混合材料装入挤袋,挤在粟粉上。(图8)
7. 放入容器,室温。

A:18g gelatine, 70g cold water, 20g rose water
B: 130g sugar, 80g trimoline/Invert sugar, 50g water
C: 60g glucose, 85g trimoline/Invert sugar
D: Pink colour, 20g rose water
1. Bloom gelatine in cold water and rose water. Melt and chill to set for gelatine mass. (pic 1)
2. Boil ingredients B till 126°C, add in gelatine mass and stir till combined. (pic 2-3)
3. Meanwhile whip ingredients C in machine using whisk attachment.
4. Pour in the gelatine mass mixture, whip till cold. Add in ingredients D, mix well. (pic 4-6)
5. Dust corn flour on a tray with baking paper. (pic 7)
6. Pipe mixture onto the corn flour. Dust with more corn flour. (pic 8)
7. Store in container in room temperature.