甜豆炒菌菇 Stir-fried Sweet Peas with Fungus

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甜豆12条、青甜椒 1⁄2 粒、红甜椒 1⁄2 粒、马蹄4粒、蘑菇少许、鲜冬菇少许、柳松菇少许、姜片10克、蒜头2瓣
1. 将甜豆撕筋;甜椒切角;马蹄切片;蘑菇切片;鲜冬菇切小朵;灵芝菇除根部。(图1-2)
2. 把全部材料放入盐水中川烫,滤干。(图3-4)
3. 烧热2汤匙油爆香姜片、蒜片,放入川烫过的材料及调味料翻炒均匀。(图5-6)
4. 加入粟粉水勾芡后便可上碟。

12 pcs sweet peas, 1⁄2 each of green & red capsicum, 4 pcs water chestnut, some button mushroom, shitake mushroom and shimeiji mushroom,
10g ginger (sliced), 2 pips garlic
1 tsp chicken powder, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1tsp fish sauce, 1 tbsp Hua Diao wine, some cornstarch for thickening
1. Remove the strings of sweet peas, cut capsicum in wedges; slice water chest nut and button mushroom, cut shitake mushroom into pieces and remove stems of shimeiji mushroom.(pic1-2)
2. Blanch all ingredients in salted boiling water; drain.(pic 3-4)
3. Heat 2 tbsp oil in wok, sauté ginger and garlic slices until fragrant; toss in all blanched ingredients and seasoning, stir to mix.(pic 5-6)
4. Thicken with starch, dish out.