碧绿芙蓉蔬菜汁蒸鱼 Jade Fu Yong Steamed Fish

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材料 A:
1 只 红枣鱼


1 汤匙 牛油
4 粒 蛋白
1 汤匙 花奶
1/2 茶匙 MAGGI® 鸡精粉
1/4 茶匙 盐
少许 绍兴酒

材料 B:
300 克 菜心
20 克 子姜
10 克 蒜米
600 克 清水


4 条 指天椒
1/2 茶匙 MAGGI® 鸡精粉
少许 味精
1 茶匙 盐
1 汤匙 花调酒


1. 首先,红枣鱼去鳞洗净,起出鱼肉切成块状;鱼头及鱼尾炸脆摆备用。

2. 接著,将菜心分成菜叶及菜茎两段。菜茎加入其余的材料B放入搅拌机搅烂取渣作为炒鲜奶材料;将搅出的菜汁再放入菜叶及所有菜汁材料搅成汁,备用。

3. 鱼肉块蒸熟摆盘;菜茎渣与所有炒奶材料拌匀并以牛油炒香,再放到蒸好的鱼块上。

4. 最后,将搅好的菜汁煮滚,勾芡,并淋到鱼块边即可出菜享用。

Ingredient A:
whole Golden snapper
1.2 kilograms
– 1.5kilograms)

Ingredient B:
300 gm Chinese cabbage
20 gm Young ginger
10 gm Garlic
600 gm Plain water

Ingredients for fried milk:
1 tbs Butter
4 Egg white
1 tbs Evaporated milk
1/2 tsp MAGGI® Chicken Stock
1/4 tsp Salt
a little Shaoxing wine

Ingredients for vegetable juice:
4 pcs Red bird’s eye chilli
1/2 tbs MAGGI® Chicken Stock
a pinch MSG
1 tsp Salt
1 tbs Cooking wine

Preparation method:

1. Firstly, descale and rinse the golden snapper. Debone and cut the flesh into small fillets. In a wok, deep fry the fish head and tail. Set aside.

2. Next, cut the Chinese cabbage in half, separating the leaves and stems. In a blender, blend the stems and all of ingredient B into juice. Strain the juice and set aside.
3. Place the strained excess and cabbage leaves into a blender and blend again.

4. Steam the fish fillets and plate them. In a pan, sauté the blended vegetables and all the ingredients for fried milk with butter until fragrant. Pour onto the steamed fish.
5. Lastly, bring the vegetable juice to a boil until thickened and drizzle on the sides of the fish. Ready to serve.



Chef Freddie Tan, Executive Chef, Restoran Seafood Chiem Choo
