芝士芝麻薄饼 Cheese Sesame Biscuit

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材料 :
低筋面粉 20 克(过筛)
芝士粉 2 汤匙
黑白芝麻 60 克
蛋白 4 颗
蜜糖 2 汤匙
溶化牛油 30 克
做法 :
❶ 将所有液体材料混合均匀。(图1)
❷ 加入所有的粉料,搅拌均匀至无颗粒,备用。(图2-3)
❸ 在烤盘里铺上烤纸,舀一汤匙薄薄的面糊在烤纸上,
❹ 待凉后才将芝麻饼收进封密罐子内保存。

20g super fine flour (sifted), 2 tbsp cheese powder,
60 black & white sesame seeds, 4 egg white, 2
tbsp honey, 30g soften butter
❶ Mixes all liquid ingredients. (pic 1)
❷ Add in all flour and mix into smooth batter. (pic
❸ Place parchment paper on top of baking tray,
ladle a scoop of batter on top, flatten into
round shape, bake in pre-heat oven at 160°C
for about 15 minutes or until brown. (pic 4-5)
❹ Store in container after cooling down.