芝士芥兰花饭 Brocolli & Cheese Rice

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1. 以牛油把蒜头爆香,然后加入鸡肉和鲜菇,炒数秒钟后捞起放入瓦煲内。(图1-4)
2. 加入白米与清水,加盖,把米煮熟成饭,间中搅拌以防止粘锅,并适当调味。(图5-6)
3. 水煮干时迅速把芝士和柠檬皮茸撒入,然后放上芥兰花,再次盖上,小火煮5分钟后熄火。(图7-8)
4. 继续盖着不开,让它焖约10分钟后才开盖搅拌松弛即可。

2 cloves garlic(chopped),2 tbsps butter, 1⁄2 capsicum (sliced), 1⁄2 packet fresh mushrooms, 250g chicken breast meat, sliced & marinated with 1⁄4 tsp cornflour, pepper & salt),120 g long grain rice(washed till water runs clear), 220 ml water (+ 1 tsp chicken stock granules) , salt & pepper to taste, 200g broccoli(cut into florets), Grated zest of 1 lemon, 100g grated cheddar cheese

1. Heat oil in wok, saute garlic in butter until fragrant, adding the chicken meat and mushroom. Transfer the chicken mixture into a claypot, add capsicum and sauté for a few seconds.(pic 1-3)
2. Add in the washed rice grains and water, cover the lid and allow the rice to cook. Please stir to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom. Adjust seasonings to taste.(pic 5-6)
3. Once the water dries up, quickly sprinkle the cheese over with the lemon zest, place the broccoli florets over and cover lid. Cook for 5 minutes over low heat and turn off heat.(pic 7-8)
4. Do not open the lid of the claypot now. Let it rest for another 10 minutes before opening the lid and fluffing the rice over.