莲藕焖鸭 Braised Duck with Lotus root

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莲藕200克、鸭肉400克、 蒜茸1茶匙、小葱一个(剁
1. 鸭肉切块,汆烫去血,水洗净沥干;莲藕洗净切块备用。(图1)
2. 热上油锅爆香姜,葱和蒜。
3. 加入鸭肉以大火炒至变色后,倒入莲藕翻炒至闻到香味。(图2-3)
4. 倒入调味料,然后加入盖过鸭肉的热水煮滚。(图4-5)
5. 调小火焖至汁收干肉软即可。(图6)

200g lotus root, 400g duck meat, 1 tsp chopped garlic,
1 shallot (chopped0, 50g young ginger slices
2 blocks red fermented bean curd (smashed), 2 tbsp
oyster sauce, 1 tsp brown sugar, 2 tbsp rice wine
1. Cut and blanch duck meat in boiling water, wash and drain,wash lotus root, cut into pieces.
2. Sauté ginger, garlic and shallot until fragrant in a sauce pot.
3. Add in duck meat and stir-fry with high heat until its color changed; add in lotus root and toss until
aromatic.(pic 2-3)
4. Toss in seasoning and pour water to cover the duck meat, bring to quick boil.(pic 4-5)
5. Turn to low heat, simmer until gravy reduced andmeat soften.(pic 6)