菇类汉堡包Assorted Mushroom Burger

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A:牛油5-6汤匙、蒜头2瓣(剁碎)、白玉菇40克(切除根部) 、柳松菇40克、鲜香菇8朵(切片)、鲍鱼菇8朵、蚝油1汤匙、清水125毫升、现磨黑胡椒粉和盐适量


1.把烤炉预热至200℃, 把灯笼椒放放入烤炉烤45分钟,取出放入塑胶袋子里,以蒸发水蒸气,待稍微凉后,方便把表皮撕掉。把去皮灯笼椒切开,去种子和瓣膜,然后稍微剁碎。
2.在锅里热橄榄油,把蒜茸和葱头茸 炒数分钟,然后加入灯笼椒,炒均后加入高汤,煮滚至汁稠,调味。
3.把材料放入电动搅拌器搅拌至细滑 或就原状采用。

1. 起锅热牛油,把蒜茸爆香。(图2)
2. 加入菇类,炒至香后慢慢加入水,炒至菇类软身,加入其余材料A炒匀,盛出。(图3)
3. 把汉堡面包中间打横划开,涂遍牛油。把生菜,番茄及芝士片放在松饼上,再铺上炒菇类,然后淋烧烤酱,盖上另一半的松饼即可。(图4-8)

【Ingredients】for 4 portions
A:5-6 tbsp butter, 2 cloves garlic(chopped), 40g white shimeiji mushroom (snipped), 40g shiro-shimeiji mushrooms, 8 fresh mushroom (sliced), 8 abalone mushroom,1 tbsp oyster sauce, 125 ml water, freshly grated black pepper, salt to taste
B: Muffins(cut into 2 horizontally and buttered), Salad leaf, tomato slices, BBQ sauce

【Red Pepper Sauce Ingredients】
4 red peppers, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 clove garlic (chopped),
1 small shallot (roughly chopped), 85 ml vegetable stock or water, 2 tsps sugar, salt & pepper to taste

【To Prepare Red Pepper Sauce】
1.Heat oven to 200℃. Place the peppers in the oven for about 45 mins until the skins are blackened. Remove from the oven and put into a plastic bag, makes them sweat and the skins slip off more easily. When cool enough to handle, peel off the skins with your fingers. Slice the peppers open, pick out and discard all the seeds and membrane, then roughly chop the red flesh.
2.Heat the olive oil in a pan. Saute garlic and shallot for a few minutes, add the chopped peppers and continue to fry for a few minutes, stirring to combine everything. Add the vegetable stock, bring to the boil, then allow it to reduce till thicken. Adjust the seasoning to taste.
3.Pour the contents of the pan into a blender and whizz untilsmooth or just leave it chunky.

1.Heat butter and sauté garlic until fragrant. (pic 2)
2.Add the fresh mushrooms and sauté till fragrant. Add water little by little until mushrooms are tender. Adding salt, pepper to taste, dish out. (pic 3)
3.Lay muffin and top with salad leaves. Top with the sautéed mushrooms. Drizzle BBQ sauce or any sauce you like, cover and serve immediately. (pic 4-8)