菠菜绿丸子 Spinach Fish Ball

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A:盐1⁄4 茶匙、胡椒粉少许、粟粉1汤匙、蛋白1⁄2 粒
1. 西刀鱼去骨取肉,剁碎备用。(图1-2)
2. 菠菜叶洗净后,以果汁机搅拌成泥,取出。(图3)
3. 把菠菜叶泥加入鱼胶及调味料A混合搅拌均匀后,再用力摔打数下,直到呈现出胶状为止。(图4-5)
4. 把鱼胶摊在手掌上用拇指和食指中捏出小圆球,将圆球舀起,放在清水中。(图6-7)
5. 把上汤倒入锅中,加入姜片和调味料B煮滚后,转慢火逐粒放入绿丸子煮至熟浮上汤面。
6. 加入田七叶和枸杞煮滚,滴入少许麻油即可。

250g Parang fish, 30g spinach leaves, 120 Tien Qi leaves, some GouQi, 600ml stock, 2 slices ginger, few drops of sesame oil
A: 1⁄4 tsp salt, dash of pepper, 1 tbsp corn flour, 1⁄2 egg white
B:1 tsp chicken powder, dash of salt and pepper
【Method for filling】
1. Wash and debone the fish, chop coarsely. (pic 1-2)
2. Wash spinach leaves and blend into puree with blender.(pic 3)
3. Mix spinach puree with fish paste and seasoning A, blend until springy. (pic 4-5)
4. Knead paste mixture into small balls and soak in water.(pic 6-7)
5. Boil stock in pot with ginger and seasoning B, then turn to low heat, add in spinach fish balls and boil until they are afloat. (pic 8)
6. Add Tien Qi leaves and GouQi into soup, once boiled, drizzle sesame oil on top to serve.