虎进金来Tiger Prawns with Pumpkin Sauce

  • Prep Time
    20 Mins
  • Cook Time
    20 Mins
  • Type
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Ingredients A ( Pumpkin Sauce )



    Step 1

    老虎虾上撒上AJI-SHIO®风味黑胡椒,搅拌均匀。Season prawns with AJI-SHIO® Flavoured Black Pepper.

    Step 2

    在老虎虾的开边处裹上炸粉,热油下锅,炸至熟透起锅,备用。Pre-heated oil. Coat the back of prawns with frying flour and deep fry them in a wok until cooked. Set aside.

    Step 3

    中火预热锅,加入3汤匙食油爆香咖喱叶和小辣椒粒。Heat a pan under medium heat, pour in 3 tbsp cooking oil and stir-fry curry leaves and red bird's eye chili until fragrant.

    Step 4

    转小火,倒入金瓜、鲜奶和糖。Turn to low heat and add in pumpkin, milk and sugar.

    Step 5

    加入AJI-NO-MOTO®纯正味精和盐混合均匀。Seasons with AJI-NO-MOTO® and salt. Stir well.

    Step 6

    形成金瓜浓缩酱后,加入做法(1)的老虎虾混合,起锅。Once the mixture becomes concentrated sauce, add in fried prawns and mix well.

    Step 7

    【小贴士】 1.金瓜切片, 去籽,蒸熟(10分钟)后去皮,搅拌成泥状备用。If the pumpkin sauce is too thick, you may add more fresh milk (as different pumpkins may have different moisture level). 2.如果金瓜酱太浓稠,可以加多些鲜奶 (因为不同的金瓜水分不同)。Make sure the pumpkin sauce is not watery as it needs to coat with tiger prawns. 3.金瓜酱不用太稀,要让金瓜酱挂住虾壳。Cut the pumpkin into wedges, remove seeds and steam until cooked. Remove the flesh from skin and mash with fork for a better texture. 4.炸粉可以使用自己惯用的。May use any frying flour according to personal preferences.
