豉汁排骨 Braised Spare Ribs With Fermented Soy Bean

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生粉2汤匙(+ 清水3汤匙)
1. 用腌料腌排骨1小时,然后小火炸至熟透。(图1-3)
2. 将蒜切片,放入热油爆至金黄色,捞出1⁄2份备用。(图4)
3. 锅中加入黑豆豉,炒至香。加入炸排骨,炒均后倒入清水1公升,煮至滚后转小火。(图5)
4. 焖煮至排骨软化后即可加入所有调味料及炸蒜片,炒均后勾芡即可。(图6-7)

800g spare pork ribs (cut into pieces), 2 whole garlic(sliced), 2 tbsp black fermented soy bean (soaked),
1 liter water
2 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine,1 tsp sesame oil, 2 tbsp corn flour
4 tbsp oyster sauce, 6 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp sugar, 1⁄2tsp pepper, 2 tbsp dark soy sauce
2 tbsp corn flour + 3 tbsp water
1. Marinate ribs for 1 hour and then deep fry in low heat until well cooked.(pic 1-3)
2. Deep fried slices garlic till golden brown, dish out halfportion and set aside.(pic 4)
3. Add in black fermented soy bean to the wok and sauté until fragrant.(pic 5)
4. Toss in fried ribs, pour in 1 liter of water, bring to quick boil and then simmer in low heat until soften, add in all seasoning and slices garlic, thicken with starch, done.(pic 6-7)