韩国炸鸡Korean Fried Chicken

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A: 蒜头2瓣(剁碎)、姜茸1茶匙、Jalapeno辣椒干2条
B: 酱油1汤匙、米酒/味琳4汤匙、辣椒酱4-6汤匙、清水3-5汤匙、韩国辣椒酱2汤匙、蜜糖2汤匙、白糖1汤匙、狄绒芥末酱1茶匙、麻油½汤匙

1. 将酱汁材料A搅拌至细,放置一旁;芝麻用干锅炒香待用。(图1-2)
2. 把鸡翅膀洗净滴干透彻,然后以腌料腌20-30分钟。(图3)
3. 把腌鸡翅膀滴干,加入薯粉,搅拌均匀。(图4)
4. 起锅热油,把腌鸡翅膀逐个放入,分两批炸5-7分钟至金黄色。(图 5)
5. 热油在平底锅,以小火把蒜茸和姜茸爆香1分钟,然后加入所以酱汁材料,小火焖煮4-5分钟至稠。(图6)
6. 把炸鸡翅膀放入,兜炒均匀,然后撒上芝麻装饰即可。(图7-8)

10 chicken wings(cut into 2), ½ tsp sesame seeds,5 to 6 cups oil for frying

【Marinade Ingredients】
1 tsp salt, pinch black pepper, 1 tbsp grated ginger

½ cup tapioca flour

【Sauce ingredients】
A: 2 cloves garlic(chopped), 1 tsp finely grated ginger, 2 stalks Jalapeno dried chilli
B: 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 4 tbsps rice wine (or mirin), 4 -6 Tbsps chili sauce, 3-5 tbsps water, 2 tbsps gochujang (Korean red chili pepper paste), 2 Tbsps honey, 1 Tbsp sugar, 1 tsp dijon mustard, ½ tsp sesame oil

1. Grind sauce ingredients A in blender, set aside. Fry sesame in dry wok until slightly brown, set aside.(pic 1-2)
2. Wash chicken wings, drain thoroughly. Marinate with marinades for 20 to 30 minutes. (pic 3)
3. Remove any excess water from the marinated chicken. Add the tapioca flour to the chicken, toss well to coat evenly. (pic 4)
4. Heat oil in a large pot, fry the chicken until lightly golden, about 5 to 7 minutes, drain.(pic 5)
5. Heat a pan over medium low heat. Add cooking oil and then sauté the grinded ingredients until fragrant. Add all other sauce ingredients and stir well. Simmer until it thickens slightly, about 4 to 5 minutes. (pic 6)
6. Toss in chicken, stir well until the chicken wings are evenly coated. Sprinkle with sesame seeds to serve.(pic 7-8)