香烤蜜汁肉 Grill Sweet Honey Meat

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材料A :
材料B :
材料C :
做法 :
1. 先将肉切块,加入糖、盐及胡椒粉拌匀,放置30分钟。
2. 拌入材料B腌3小时或隔夜。
3. 将肉排在烤盘中,用200℃烤15分钟,把肉反转再烤10分钟或至熟。
4. 把脆肉酱汁和烤肉一起煮滚,拌入材料C即可上桌。

Ingredients A :
600g lean meat or belly meat, 1tbsp sugar, 1/2tsp salt, pepper to taste
Ingredients B :
2tbsp Angel char siu sauce, 1tbsp oyster sauce, 1tbsp thick soy sauce, 1/4tsp 5 spice powder,
1tbsp shao shing wine
Ingredients C :
2tbsp honey, 1tsp sesame oil
Method :
1. Cut meat into pieces, mix in remaining ingredients A. Leave for 30 minutes.
2. Mix in ingredients B and marinade for 3 hours or overnight.
3. Arrange meat into oven, grill at 200℃ for 15 minutes, turn meat over and continue grill
for another 10 minutes.
4. Cook the remain sauce with meat, stir in ingredients C and remove.