香煎鹦鹉鱼配柠檬忌廉汁Pan Fried Parrot Fish Fillet with Lemon Cream Sauce

  • Prep Time
    15 mins
  • Cook Time
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    Step 1

    先把马铃薯去皮切片、芦笋去皮切段备用;鱼柳洗净吸干水,两面搽上盐和黑胡椒腌10分钟。Peel and slice the potatoes, peel and cut the asparagus into sections for later use; wash the fish fillets and absorb the water, sprinkle with salt and black pepper on both sides and marinate for 10 minutes.

    Step 2

    加热平底锅,将马铃薯片平铺锅内,洒少许盐把两面煎至金黄松脆。Heat the pan and place the potato chips on top, sprinkle a little salt and fry both sides until golden brown and crispy.

    Step 3

    热油将鱼柳煎至金黄,翻去另一面,可放芦笋一同煎,待两面金黄即可上碟。Fry the fish fillet in hot oil until golden brown and turn over to the other side, can fry the asparagus together. Serve when both sides are golden brown.

    Step 4

    用同一个平底锅放牛油及干葱碎炒至软身,洒上柠檬汁及白酒煮至收干一半汁液后,倒入忌廉、盐及黑胡椒调味,把忌廉汁收至一半即可淋在鱼上享用。Use the same pan, add in butter and chopped shallots to fry until soft, sprinkle with lemon juice and white wine and cook until sauce thickened and absorbed, pour in cooking cream, salt and black pepper to taste, continue to cook until the sauce reduce, drizzle over the fish fillets and enjoy.
