鱼虾蟹脆豆腐 Crispy Seafood Tofu

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1. 豆腐用叉压烂沥乾;蟹仁切丁。(图1)
2. 把所有的材料加入调味料拌匀倒入一个已铺上油纸的蒸盘中,大火蒸10-12分钟至熟,取出待冷。
3. 把海鲜豆腐切成长方形,沾上蛋液再裹上粟粉,放入热油中,半煎炸至香脆便可。(图5-8)

2 sticks Japanese egg tofu, 100g fish paste, 80g shelled prawn, 50g frozen crab meat, 2 crushed
salted egg yolk, 4 beaten eggs, 3 tbsp chopped spring onion
1 tsp chicken powder, 1 tsp salt, dash of pepper, 1 tbsp corn flour
Beaten egg and 1 bowl of corn flour
1. Mashed tofu and drain; dice the prawn meat.(pic 1)
2. Mixes all ingredients with seasoning and then place in tray that covered with greased proof
paper; put in steamer and steam in high heat for 10-12 minutes or until cooked. Cool down.(pic
3. Cut the seafood tofu into rectangle shape, coat with egg sauce follow with corn flour; and then
deep fry in hot oil until crispy, done.(pic 5-8)