黑芝麻吐司 Black Sesame Loaf

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A: 低筋面粉100克、热水80毫升
B: 高筋面粉200克、低筋面粉75克、幼糖50克、盐2克、即用酵母13克、奶粉8克、牛油70克、鸡蛋1粒、黑芝麻
1. 把材料A的面粉倒进搅拌器里,然后倒进煮滚的烧水。用J形搅拌器以慢速度搅拌3至4分钟。倒出面团,用塑胶袋将面团包好,压扁,然后放进冰箱至少30分
2. 将所有材料B(除了水)放入搅拌器,用慢速度搅拌至混合均匀。慢慢加入水搅拌1分钟。把A逐一加入。(图
3. 用中等速度再搅拌大约9至10分钟。(图3)
4. 倒出面团放在桌上,盖上让面团休息10分钟。(图4)
5. 稍微杆长面团然后对折,再休面5分钟。(图5-6)
6. 将面团切成每份250克然后搓圆。加盖再休面5分钟。
7. 将面团搓成您喜爱的形状,放入烤盘内,面上划数刀。
8. 最后,放入烘炉,以上下火175℃烘20至25分钟,或至金黄色。(图10-11)

A: 100g low protein flour, 80ml boiled water
B: 200g high protein flour, 75g low protein flour, 50g castor sugar, 2g salt, 13g Instant yeast, 8g milk powder, 70g butter, 1nos egg(grade A), 60g black sesame(roasted),
20ml fresh cream-non dairy(unwhipped), 90ml cold water
1. Pour flour from ingredients A into mixing bowl, and pour in the boiled water. Beat ingredients by using “J” hook at low speed for 3-4 minutes. Take out the dough
and wrap dough with plastic bag, flatten it and keep into fridge at least 30 minutes.
2. Combine all ingredients B into mixing bowl except water. Slow down your mixer speed and pour in water slowly, beat for 1 minute. Add in A little by little.(pic
3. Change your mixer speed to medium and beat for approximately 9-10 minutes. (pic 3)
4. Remove dough, cover and rest for 10 minutes. (pic 4)
5. Stretch your dough and fold, cover and rest for another 5 minutes. (pic 5-6)
6. Divide the dough into 250g portion and shape them into small balls, rest for 5 minutes. (pic 7-8)
7. Reshape dough into your favorite shape, place on baking mould. (pic 9)
8. Finally, bake at temperature 175℃ with top and bottom heat for 20-25 minutes or till golden brown. (pic 10-11)