香肠玉米片 Sausage Nachos

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玉米片1包(现买)、黄色与红色灯笼椒各½粒(切丁)、鸡肉香肠2条(切丁)、牛油果½ 粒(切丁,淋上少许柠檬汁)、樱桃番茄3粒(切丁)、薄荷叶2-3汤匙(剁碎)、芫茜2-3汤匙(剁碎)、少许芝士碎(顶料)
1. 镬内热少许牛油,放入灯笼椒炒香。
2. 另外同样热少许牛油,放入鸡肉香肠炒香,备用。
3. 将剁碎的薄荷叶、芫茜叶、樱桃番茄、牛油果捞匀,以少许盐及胡椒粉调味。

1 pct nacho chips(storebought), ½ yellow and ½ red capsicum (cubed), 2 chicken sausages (cubed), ½ avocado (cubed and drizzled with lemon juice), 3 baby tomatoes(cubed), 2-3 tbsps mint leaves (chopped), 2-3 tbsps coriander leaves (chopped),  some grated cheese for topping
1. Saute the cubed capsicums with some butter and salt, set aside.
2. Saute the chicken sausages in butter and set aside.
3. Combined the chopped mint leaves and coriander leaves, baby tomatoes, avocado and INNOLAC powder in a mixing bowl, season with some salt & pepper.
Lay a layer of nacho chips on serving plate, top with the sautéed capsicum, chicken sausage and mix ingredients from method 3. Top with some cheese and crushed nachos, serve immediately.