米粉扣肉蒸马友 Steamed Fish With Mee Hoon

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马友鱼1条、罐头扣肉 1⁄2 罐、米粉200克、姜丝20克、蒜5瓣(剁碎爆香)
1. 将米粉放入清水中浸软,捞起沥干水铺入蒸盘中。
2. 将鱼去除内脏洗净切块,铺在米粉上,然后淋入蚝油。(图1)
3. 倒入扣肉汁,并将扣肉排入蒸盘里。(图2-4)
4. 将蒸盘放入蒸炉,倒入少许麻油,上盖以大火蒸10分钟。(图5-6)
5. 吃前撒上姜丝与炸蒜。(图7)

1 Threadfin fish, 1⁄2 canned stewed pork, 200g meehoon, 20g juliennes ginger, 5 pips garlic (chopped,
deep fried into garlic crips)
3 tbsp oyster sauce, 2 tbsp canned stewed pork gravy, 2 tsp sesame oil
1. Soak meehoon until soften, drain and arrange in steaming tray.
2. Wash fish and cut into pieces, place on top of meehoon; and then pour in oyster sauce.(pic 1)
3. Pour sauce from canned stewed pork, arrange the stewed pork on top of fish.(pic 2-4)
4. Place the plate in steamer, drizzle in some sesame oil and steam in high heat for 10 minutes.(pic 5-6)
5. Sprinkle juliennes ginger and fried garlic crisp on top before serving. (pic 7)