鸡肉芦笋卷 Chicken Rolls with Asparagus

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鸡胸肉1副 、芦笋10条、白玉菇10条
1. 把鸡胸肉一开二,再片成 2副长形肉片。(图1)
2. 用滚水川烫芦笋和白玉菇,滴干。
3. 热少许油炒剁碎的鲜金针菇和一半的芹菜茸至软身盛出,加入其余的馅料拌匀待用。(图2)
4. 把鸡胸肉片摊平,放上芦笋和白玉菇各2条,再铺上适量的馅料,然后卷起,以竹签固定。(图3-4)
5. 用平底锅煎肉卷,至两边熟透,然后淋上酱汁即可。(图5)

1 set of chicken breast, 10 stalk asparagus, 10 pcs white Enokitake mushroom
1⁄2 packet Enokitake mushroom (chopped), 4 tbsp chopped Chinese celery, 2 tbsp chopped ginger, 3 tbsp chopped spring onion , salt, sugar, chicken powder and sesame oil to taste
1 small block of butter, 1⁄2 tsp chopped garlic, 1⁄2 tsp sugar, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tbsp water, some starch
1.Trim chicken breast meat into long & thin slices.(pic 1)
2.Blanch asparagus and white Enokitake mushroom until just cooked, drain.
3. Heat some oil in skillet, sauté chopped Enokitake mushroom with half of the chopped Chinese celery till soft, dish out and mix with remaining filling ingredients, set aside. (pic 2)
4.Flatten the chicken breast meat, top with a pair of asparagus and white Enokitake mushroom, spread some filling on it and roll up firmly, secure with bamboo stick. (pic 3-4)
5.Sear the chicken roll in non-stick pan till well cooked, pour sauce over to serve.(pic 5)
【Method for sauce】
Melt butter in pan, saute garlic till fragrant, pour in remaining ingredients and bring to boil, done.