上汤蒸鱼Steamed Fish with Broth

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材料 :
腌料 :
调味料 :
做法 :
1. 将鱼加入腌料抹匀,腌30分钟。(图1-2)
2. 将鱼摆在深碟里洒上蒜茸、姜茸和指天椒,放入蒸笼里用大火蒸10-13分钟,取出,倒掉碟里的水。
3. 把啦啦放入滚水里烫至打开立刻捞起。
4. 把上汤和当归煮滚,加入苏东煮多2分钟,加入烫好的啦啦和调味料煮滚,淋在蒸好的鱼上,洒上芫茜和青葱,即可。(图5)

1 Garoupa (about 800g), 50g chopped garlic, 50g chopped ginger, 5 red chili padi (sliced), 500g clam(wash), 800ml chicken broth, 2 slices DangGui, 300g of squid(washed,cut circles), 3 tbsp chopped spring onion, some chopped coriander
½ tsp salt, ½ tsp sesame oil, ¼ tsp pepper
¼ tsp salt, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp Shaoxing cooking wine
1. Marinate fish with condiments for 30 minutes.(pic 1-2)
2. Place fish in deep plate, top with garlic, ginger and red chili padi; steam in high heat for 10-13 minutes; discard its gravy.(pic 3-4)
3. Blanch clam in boiling water until shell opening; dish out immediately.
4. Boil broth with DangGui, add in squid and continue to boil for 2 minutes. Add in clam and seasoning and bring to boil again; pour soup over steamed fish, sprinkle coriander and spring onion on top to serve.(pic 5)