豉蒸无骨鸡翼 Steamed Boneless Chicken Wing with Black Bean

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A:鸡翼 8 只
B: 子姜 1 块(拍扁剁碎)、蒜米2 瓣(剁碎)、蕃茄1⁄2粒(切丁)、生葱1条、红辣椒1⁄2条(剁
蚝油 1⁄2汤匙、生抽1⁄2汤匙、番茄酱 1 茶匙、辣椒酱 1 茶匙、仙女豆酱1⁄2茶匙、鸡精粉1⁄2茶匙、糖
1⁄2茶匙、清水 2 汤匙
1. 将鸡翼清洗,再顺着臼位切开成3节,放入沸水中川烫好沥干水备用。(图1-2)
2. 将所有酱料混合搅拌均衡 。
3. 准备小锅热1汤匙油,爆香豆豉茸,加入混合的酱料煮香,捞起备用。(图3-4)
4. 将处理好的鸡翼盛盘摆好,淋上酱料,一起放进蒸炉里盖好,以大火蒸上8分钟即可。(图6)

A:8 pcs chicken wings
B:1 piece ginger(smashed and dice), 2 pips garlic(chopped), 1⁄2 tomato(dice), 1 stalk spring
onion(chopped), 1⁄2red chili(chopped), 1⁄2 tbsp
fermented soy bean(chopped)
【Sauce Ingredients】
1⁄2 tbsp oyster sauce, 1⁄2 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp tomato sauce, 1 tsp chilli sauce, 1⁄2 tsp Angel
brand soy bean paste, 1⁄2 tsp chicken stock granule , 1⁄2 tsp sugar, 2 tbsp water
1. Wash chicken wings and cut into 3 portions from joints. Blanch in boiling water, drain and set aside.(pic1-2)
2. Mixes all sauce ingredients. Sauté fermented soy bean with 1 tbsp cooking oil in low heat
until fragrant, then add in sauce mixture and cook until aromatic.(pic 3-4)
3. Arrange chicken wings in plate, pour cooked sauce over and steam in steamer with high
heat for 8 minutes, done.(pic 5-6)