鲜虾滑蛋拌饭Wa Tan Prawn Over Rice

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1. 起锅热油,把蒜茸爆香,然后加入花肉片,大火炒至冒烟。
2. 加入其他海鲜材料和青菜。(图1-2)
3. 倒入酱汁材料,大火煮滚。(图3)
4. 试味后勾芡。(图4)
5. 拌入蛋液,然后熄火,以免蛋过熟。(图5-6)
6. 将鲜虾滑蛋盛出淋在白饭上即可。

2-3 tbsps cooking oil, 2 cloves garlic (chopped), 35g belly pork(thinly sliced), 100g peeled prawns (marinated with 1/4 tsp sugar and pepper), 35 g squid(sliced), 80g ‘sawi’(cut into 2cm lengths)

【Sauce ingredients】
combine1tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tsp oyster sauce, A few drops dark soya sauce, 1/4 tsp ground pepper, 1 tsp chicken stock gran-ules, 100ml chicken stock or water, 1 tbsp Chinese wine

1/2 tbsp tapioca flour + 2 tbsps water
1/2 egg (lightly beaten)

1. Heat wok with oil, sauté the garlic until fragrant.
2. Add in belly pork and sauté for awhile until its smoky. Add in the rest of the seafood ingredients with the vegetables.(pic 1-2)
3. Pour in combined sauce ingredients and bring to a quick boil. (pic 3)
4. Adjust seasonings to taste, thicken with tapioca solution. (pic 4)
5. Stir in beaten egg and turn off heat immediately, if you do not want the egg to be over cooked.(pic 5-6)
6. Pour Wa Tan Prawn over steaming hot rice and serve im-mediately.