水果烤鸡Baked Chicken with Fruits

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1. 把烤炉预热至250℃。
2. 将所有水果和蔬菜随意切块,然后放在烤盘上。(图1)
3. 将鸡开半,铺在水果蔬菜上面,再倒入鲜橙汁。(图2-3)
4. 放入烤炉烤30-35分钟即可。(图4)

1 whole chicken, 1nos peach, 1nos orange, 1nos apple, 600gm orange juice (store bought)、1nos carrot, 3pcs celery

Salt to taste

1. Preheat the oven until 250℃.
2. Rough cut the vegetables and fruits, place it onto baking tray. (pic 1)
3. Place the chicken on top of fruits and pour in orange juice. (pic 2-3)
4. Bake the chicken for 30 to 35 minutes, done. (pic 4)