莲藕粉葛猪尾汤 Pig’s Tail Soup With Lotus Root and Pueraria

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1. 将猪尾放入沸水中川烫熟,捞起沥干备用。(图1)
2. 将莲藕和粉葛去皮,切厚片。
3. 在锅里煮滚半锅水,加入所有材料,以大火煮至滚。(图3-5)
4. 转小火继续焖煮50分钟至所有材料软身。以少许盐及鸡精粉调味,即可享用。

2 pieces pig’s tail(cut into pieces), 200g lotus root, 250g pueraria root (fun kok), 2 small dried octopus, 50g groundnuts(soaked
overnight), 40g mini dried scallops, 1 matt choe, 8 red dates, 2 litres water
Salt to taste, 1 tbsp chicken powder
1. Blanch pig’s tail in boiling water. Dish out and drain.
2. Peel lotus root and pueraria. Cut into thick slices.
3. Bring water to a boil in COOKPLUS Vitamin II Stock Pot, toss in all ingredients. Cook to a boil over high heat again.
4. Reduce the heat and simmer over low heat for 50 minutes or until meat and all root vegetables are tender. Adjust with
seasoning to taste.