夹心泡芙 Eclairs

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牛油125克、清水250毫升、面粉120克(筛过) 、A蛋3粒、香草味香精1/2茶匙






  • 把冷冻的奶油放入FABER搅拌器,以中速搅拌至发起,再收入冰箱。
  • 用FABER无能锅把奶油和水煮滚,然后迅速加入面粉搅拌成面团,搅拌至它不沾锅。
  • 熄火,让面团完全冷却。
  • 预热FABER烤炉至200℃,烤盘涂油铺油纸。
  • 把冷面团放入FABER搅拌器,高速搅拌,并逐个加入鸡蛋和香精。
  • 把软面团放入挤袋,挤出6公分长条的太妃糖。
  • 放入预热烤炉烤20-25分钟至膨胀。
  • 从烤炉取出泡芙,让它冷却后才填入夹心料。
  • 用剪刀剪开泡芙边缘,挤入奶油,然后配上草莓和奇异果。
  • 吃时可以撒上额外糖粉。



Choux Pastry:

125 g butter

250 ml water

120 g plain flour, sifted

3 “Grade A” eggs

½ tsp vanilla essence


200 ml whipping cream

Fresh Strawberries


piping bag with nozzle


  1. Pour chilled cream into FABER’s mixing bowl & using a whisk attachment, whisk over medium speed until cream is stiffly beaten. Remove & chill until needed.
  2. Using FABER’s multicooker, bring water & butter to a boil, quickly add in flour & stir quickly with a wooden ladle to form a ball of dough, dough should leave the sides of the pan.
  1. Turn off heat & let the dough cool thoroughly.
  1. Pre-heat FABER’s oven to 200℃ & grease trays/ line tray with baking paper.
  2. Using FABER’s mixer with the paddle attachment, beat cooled dough over high speed, beating in eggs one at a time with the vanilla essence.
  3. Using a piping bag pipe out dough into 6cm long eclairs.
  4. Bake in pre-heated oven for 20 -25 minutes until it puffs up.
  5. Remove puffs from oven & leave to cool before filling up the puffs.
  6. Slit puffs with the help of a pair of scissors & pipe cream inside. Place a mixture of strawberries & kiwi.
  7. Serve immediately. May dust with sifted icing sugar on top if wished.