西梅薑味蛋糕 Prunes Gingerbread cake

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A: SUNSWEET® 无核西梅220克(粗切)、白兰地酒杯
B: 牛油250克、黄糖200克、盐茶匙、A蛋4粒(打散)、糖浆杯
C: 中筋面粉360克、发粉2茶匙、桂皮粉2茶匙,姜粉1 茶匙(全筛过)
、咖啡杯、姜糖100克、剁碎核桃 70克

1. 用一个小锅,把西梅和白兰地酒一起煮至酒蒸发,熄火待凉。
2. 把烤炉预热至180℃, 把10寸圆形蛋糕盘涂油后撒粉,然后铺满西梅。
3. 用电动搅拌器,把材料B中的牛油,白糖及盐搅拌至发起,然后逐个鸡蛋加入,搅拌均匀。
4. 加入全部筛过的粉料,然后加入咖啡,姜糖、核桃及西梅,混合均匀。
5. 把蛋糕混合料倒入烤盘中。
6. 放入烤炉烤65分钟至熟,放在架子上冷却1小时。
7. 可冷吃或趁热配鲜奶油享用。

Adequate salt and crushed black pepper
1. Melt butter in a pot, add Bay leaves and onion. Fry until fragrant
and onion is softened.
2. Add carrot, button mushroom, tomato, salt and pepper to taste.
Cook for a minute.
3. Pour in water and bring to a boil.
4. Add Yeo’s Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce, Yeo’s Tomato Sauce and
cauliflower. Simmer the soup for 5-10 minutes.
5. Adjust with chicken stock

1. In a small pan, cook prunes and brandy, until almost all liquid
is evaporated. Remove pan from heat, leave to cool.
2. Preheat oven to 180℃. Grease a 10-inch tube pan and dust
with flour, knocking out excess. Place prunes all over the cake
3. Using an electric beater, beat butter, sugar, and salt from
ingredients B until creamy. Adding eggs one at a time beating
well. Add treacle and beat well.
4. Fold in sifted dry ingredients, and then fold in coffee, crystallized
ginger, walnuts and prunes.
lized 5. Pour batter onto prepared pan with prunes.
6. Bake gingerbread for 65 minutes, or until a tester comes out
clean, cool on a rack 1 hour.
7. Serve gingerbread warm or at room temperature with some
crème fraiche if wished.