珍珠芝士奶蓋蛋糕 Pearl Cheese Cake

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材料 :
做法 :
1. 油,牛奶和蛋,低筋面粉搅拌均匀待用。(图1)
2. 开始打发蛋白,糖加入蛋白里,打发到湿性发泡。(图2-4)
3. 取⅓蛋白入面糊以切拌的方式拌匀,再倒回剩余的蛋
4. 准备一个8寸圆模,预热烤箱160℃。
5. 面糊离模较高处倒入圆模,减少大气泡。放进烤箱烤30分钟。(图9)
6. 取出烤好的蛋糕,震出里面的热气,防止回缩,倒扣在架子上待凉才脱模。
芝士糊材料 :
芝士糊做法 :
1. 把芝士,牛奶,牛油隔水融化。(图a)
2. 鲜奶油打发,待用。(图b-c)
3. 把芝士糊倒入打发好了鲜奶油,混合成流动状。(图d-e)
4. 最后,装入裱花袋。用小刀在冷却蛋糕中间插入,斜转一圈,不要刺破底。
5. 把奶盖挤入,至蛋糕微微隆起。剩下的淋在蛋糕上。

60g milk, 60g oil, 110g sugar, 110 superfine flour, 5eggs, 2g black tea powder
1. Blend oil, butter, egg yolks and flour until well mixed.(Pic 1)
2. Beat egg white until fluffy; and then add in sugar and blend until peak. (Pic 2-4)
3. Add 1/3 of egg white into batter, mix by slicing until well mixed; and then pour in the rest of
egg white and continue to blend in. (Pic 5-8)
4. Prepare a 8 inches round mould; pre-heat oven at 160℃.
5. Pour batter into mould form top angle to reduce air, bake in oven for 30 minutes. (Pic 9)
6. Remove cake form oven, shake to extract the hot oil inside; and then dislodge after cooling
down on wire rack.
300g fresh cream, 90g milk, 150g cream cheese, 30g butter,45g sugar, some pearl balls
1. Stir cheese, milk and butter in hot water bath until melted. (Pic a)
2. Beat fresh cream until flurry. (Pic b-c)
3. Mix cheese mixture in fresh cream into fluidity form. (Pic d-e)
4. Pour into piping bag; at the meantime, use a small knife and cut at the centre of cool down
cake and turn around without cut into bottom.
5. Squeeze in the cheese mixture until the cake slightly uplifted. Pour the rest of cheese mixture
over the cake, done.