百香果烟熏鸡Smoked Whole Chicken Leg

  • Prep Time
    15 Mins
  • Cook Time
    1 Hour 20 Mins
  • Type
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Ingredients A


Smoked Ingredients


Alfalfa sprouts fresh orange ingredients ( mixed )



    Step 1

    全鸡腿洗净、抹干水份后,均匀涂抹上料酒和海盐,放在青葱和姜片上,腌至少30分钟,备用。Wash the whole chicken thighs are and dried, spread cooking wine and sea salt evenly, put on top of shallots and ginger slices, marinate for at least 30 minutes, and set aside.

    Step 2

    蒸锅内注入清水,放入蒸架和鸡腿,大火蒸15分钟后熄火,盖着盖子焖20-25分钟。Pour water into steamer, put in the steaming rack, top with chicken drumsticks, steam for 15 minutes on high heat, turn off the heat, cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes.

    Step 3

    取出鸡腿,沥干鸡汤,涂上适量的酱油,上色即可,备用。Take out the chicken thighs, drain and coat with some soy sauce to color it, set aside.

    Step 4

    取一淘汰老锅,放上一张锡纸,加入所有的烟熏材料A,混合均匀,摆上烤网。Take a old pot, put a piece of tin foil, mix all the smoked ingredients A and arrange into pot, top with a grilling net.

    Step 5

    将鸡腿放在烤网上,盖上盖子,开大火烟熏15分钟后,即可取出,配以苜蓿芽鲜橙沙享用。Put the chicken thighs on the grilling net, cover the lid and smoke for 15 minutes on high heat, then take it out and serve with alfalfa sprouts and fresh orange.
