• Prep Time
    20 Mins
  • Cook Time
    45 Mins
  • Type
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这个面包食谱是源自美国的烘焙厨师Jim Lahey,已经很有名了。顾名思义,是不需要揉面或者其他复杂手法的简单面包食谱。在开始之前,最好将所有的步骤先耐心看一遍,如果照做的话,基本上是不可能失误的。如果你不想等18个小时的话,就用干酵母,然后让面团过夜发酵,第二天早上直接烤。当然还是这个18小时+2小时的版本最好!






    Step 1

    在温水中溶解鲜酵母。在大的搅拌碗中将面粉和盐混合一起,然后倒入酵母水,用手搅拌至看不见干粉。用保鲜膜盖上,在冰箱中发酵18个小时。First dissolve the yeast in lukewarm water. Then mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl with a wooden spoon or your hands to mix the salt evenly into the flour. Add yeast water and mix briefly by hand just until no more flour is visible. The dough should be sticky and moist, but not watery. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let sit at room temperature or in the fridge for approx. 18 hrs.

    Step 2

    面团发好后,在操作台上撒上面粉,从碗中取出来,每一边向里折叠一次,撒上更多面粉。取一张干净的厨房用巾撒上面粉,面团开口朝下放上去,撒上更多面粉,包起来,室温下发面2小时。After the dough has rested, generously flour your work surface. Take the dough out of the bowl, fold it once in from each side and sprinkle it with flour. Take a clean kitchen towel, sprinkle it with flour and lay in the dough bottom side down. Now sprinkle with flour again, cover the dough completely and let it sit on the surface for approx. 2 hrs.

    Step 3

    将烤箱预热至250ºC,预热时将使用烤箱的铸铁锅也放进去,带盖。预热好后从烤箱中取出锅,把面团小心转移至锅中,开口处朝下。盖上盖子,烤大约30分钟。如果想要上色更深,去掉盖子继续烤15分钟。Preheat the oven to 250°C/480°F and heat the pot with a lid on an oven rack. Carefully remove the preheated pot and put the dough into the pan with the seam side down. Score it quickly if desired, then cover and bake the bread for approx. 30 min. Remove the lid and bake for another 15 to 30 min. if you want a darker crust.

    Step 4

    烤好后,轻轻敲打面包,如果声音听起来很空洞,说明已经烤好了。小心从锅中取出后,在烤架上放凉1小时。冷却之后的面包会更脆和紧实。和黄油,橄榄油和盐一起享用吧!Tap the bread after the baking time: If it sounds hollow, it is baked through. Carefully turn out of the roasting pan and let it cool down on a rack for at least 1 hr. It is essential to wait so that the crumb and crust can firm up before slicing. Serve with butter or olive oil and salt. Enjoy!
