雀巢芝士脆薯球Potato Birds Nest with Cheese Crispy Balls

  • Prep Time
    30 Mins
  • Cook Time
    30 Mins
  • Type
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Potato Birds Nest Ingredients


Cheese Crispy Ball Ingredients A


Cheese Crispy Ball Ingredients B




    Step 1

    雀巢做法:将切丝马铃薯浸泡在清水中约半小时,捞出沥干水分,加入薯粉及盐混合均匀。Soak the shredded potatoes in clean water for about half an hour, remove and drain the water, add flour and salt to the potatoes and toss well to combine.

    Step 2

    准备两个滤碗,在较大的滤碗里面涂油,把马铃薯丝均匀铺满形成鸟巢状。之后将较小的滤碗底部沾油,放入大滤碗中压紧,再放入热油中炸至金黄酥脆,捞出沥油即成雀巢,备用。Prepare two strainer. Dip larger strainer into the oil, place over saucepan then add potato evenly around the sides and base of the strainer to create a birds nest. Dip the smaller strainer in oil and place on top. When oil is ready, add strainers and fry until potatoes are golden and crispy, remove and drain the oil, set aside.

    Step 3

    芝士脆薯球做法Cheese Crispy Ball Method:把芝士碎用手捏紧成小球备用。Crush the Mozzarella cheese into small balls by hand.

    Step 4

    马铃薯洗净切片蒸熟至软,再压成泥。Peeled and slice the potatoes, steam cooked and mash until smooth with fork.

    Step 5

    加入鸡精粉和幼盐混合,再分成大小适量等份,揉圆压扁,放入一粒芝士馅,收口包紧搓圆。Add chicken powder and salt into potato mixture, then divide into appropriate size, knead and flatten, put in a small cheese ball filling, shape into balls.

    Step 6

    把处理好的马铃薯球沾上面粉、鸡蛋液,再滚上马铃薯粉,然后放入冰箱冷冻1-2小时。Roll in the flour mixture, then dip in egg and roll in breadcrumbs, pressing gently to coat. Place in the fridge to chill 1-2 hours until solid.

    Step 7

    烧热炸油,放入沾有面包糠的马铃薯球炸至香脆即可。搭配美乃滋一同享用。Heat the frying oil, add the potato balls dipped in breadcrumbs and fry until crispy. Enjoy with dip mayonnaise.
